0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legallynlm Published July 8 2020 10:03 AM Happy Wednesday everyone!❤️ --- Today I'm working from home and it's my longest shift of the week! I'm happy to be able to work from home, I've been able to learn admin skills which have never been part of my role as a filing clerk. My to-do list is super full so definitely labelling myself as a busy bee. I've got some cheerios to have for breakfast to keep me going. Hope you all have a good day! 🐝📃☀️// #work #studygram #lawstudent #ulaw #laptop #studyspace #colour #quote #mydesk #desk #bee #rosegold #pen #workingfromhome #wfh #lawfirm #admim #floral #busybee #busy #todolist #organisation #work #staysafe legallynlm (@legallynlm) posted on Instagram July 08, 2020 09:03