0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by lawyersstudygram Published Jan. 4 2021 03:50 PM If you are starting the GDL, LPC or BPC over the next few days, I know it’s nerve racking but you will smash it. One thing that helped me from the beginning to stay organised and on-top of everything (if you haven’t already done it) is to have all my folders of my computer organised, with sub-folders and word documents for the different type of work I will have. Having that organisation early on helps massively down the line when preparing for revision and exams. #studygram #law #lawstudent #lawstudentsofinstagram #thelawyersstudygram #revision #revisionnotes #study #studymotivation #gdl #alwayslearning #legal #legalplacement #internship #ulaw #organisation #BrightNetwork #LegalCheek #InsideSherpa #probono #employability lawyersstudygram (@lawyersstudygram) posted on Instagram January 04, 2021 12:37