0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by bravingthebar Published Sept. 24 2020 07:19 PM Hey everyone!✨ I’ve created “Braving the Bar” to document my journey whilst I navigate Law school, the process of finding pupillage and to record my legal journey in the years to come. I graduated from my LLB Law degree and I am currently studying the BPC LLM I’ve had my first week at u_law and today was my first official day on campus. I can honestly say that any initial nerves I had to start with immediately left me and I’m feeling very settled and excited to embark on this journey😅 Hope you enjoy everything I have to share☺️ #law #lawstudent #lawschool #lawlife #futurelawyer #futurebarrister #aspiringbarrister #newaccount #legalaccount #bpc #barpracticecourse #barcourse #study #llm #llb #2020graduate #graduate #ulaw #bpcstudent #llmstudent #studygram #london #lawyertobe #lawblog #womeninlaw bravingthebar (@bravingthebar) posted on Instagram September 24, 2020 18:19