0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by amy_lawstudent Published Oct. 4 2024 12:36 PM It’s been my day off today, it’s been very cold and windy here by the sea! So, I’ve put the fairy lights on, put my wax melts on and decided to smash out a good study session. ☔️ 📚 I had fallen behind slightly due to so much going on and being really busy! But, I have completed unit 1 of dispute resolution and ready for unit 2 (that needs to be done this week) 😂 I just need to get up to date with real estate and then I’m all good. 😊 Also, excuse the state of my desk 😂 I STILL need to put my shelves up so I can put all my folders on the shelf and I STILL need to finish decorating.. just another job on my to do list 🙈 How is everyone getting on with their studies? 💜 #UniversityOfLaw #ULaw #RainyDays #StudyGram #DeskSetUp #Office #StationeryLover #LPC #Masters #StudyingLaw #LawStudies #DisputeResolution #RealEstate #DeskDecor #LawyerInTheMaking #Folders #Note #NoteTaking amy_lawstudent (@amy_lawstudent) posted on Instagram October 02, 2024 16:51