0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by womens.networkk Published Apr. 16 2021 10:26 AM Today, I am putting together my report for Student Parliament, commencing in May. The Student Parliament is the major decision-making body of the ulawstudents association. This is the forum where all student representatives meet to discuss policy and progress. Representation at Student Parliament is vital to ensure that student voices are being heard at The University of Law (u_law) #student #parliament #report #female #empowerment #women #network #womensupportingwomen #university #feminism #wellbeing #matriarchy #activism #studentsassociation #ulaw support #law #study #power #diversity #equality #history #intersectionalfeminism #community #liberation #representation womens.networkk (@womens.networkk) posted on Instagram April 15, 2021 13:24