Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

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šŸ¾ CELEBRATIONS PT. 2 šŸ¾ So as of 4pm today (22nd Jan), the submission of the written part of my Criminal Law assessment means Iā€™ve finished Semester 1! Apologies for post lateness, but I was making cheese on toast, then watching Netflix (Iā€™m actually getting addicted to Sing On!), then did nothing for an hour, then went shopping, then put something in the oven (effort I know) then had tea and caught up on Death in Paradise (family favourite!) and have been participating in general relaxation activities. Itā€™s been fun. I said Iā€™d talk about land law so I will. Part A was from 10-10.30 and was the multiple choice part of the assessment as always. The difference this year was that we answered online through the Universityā€™s system (like a survey) and we could either submit early or our answers would be automatically submitted at 10.30. There was then a half hour break and at 11am Part B - the written answer section - was released. This meant we didnā€™t see the questions until the exam started, like you wouldnā€™t normally. Although it was technically a closed book assessment, both parts of the exam were ā€˜non-proctored.ā€™ This meant we werenā€™t invigilated or on video, and could effectively have notes, although we were told that we wouldnā€™t have the time to look up lots of things (you really donā€™t). It was suggested though that we use the opportunity of a technically open-book exam to have answer structures/key cases/prompts with us, which we wouldnā€™t normally have. The deadline for Part B was 13.15, making a total exam time of 2h45 mins. The deadline was originally 12.45, but this was extended by 30 minutes in case of any tech issues and it was recommended we still finish by 12.45. Although I (and Iā€™m sure many others) used it as exam time to increase our marks. Anyway, Iā€™m glad. Closing all those tabs and Word docs was satisfying! Although Iā€™ve now realised Iā€™ll have to unfavourite my Land, Business and Criminal tabs in the Courses section of Elite šŸ˜¢. Onwards to Semester 2 of Year 2! Have a good weekend! šŸ„‚āœØ #llb #law #ulaw #liveprospectus #stopfordianlaw #landlaw #criminallaw #businesslaw1 #examsover #semester1 #celebrations #examstructure

stopfordianlaw (@stopfordianlaw) posted on Instagram