Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

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📅 Effective Planning 📅 Planning ahead is the number 1 way to manage your workload. For my exams this semester, I’ve written out the oral part of my Criminal assessment and done my Business Law 1 coursework first, because those are my exams due first - my oral is tomorrow morning and Business Law 1 has a deadline of tomorrow afternoon. Despite being in the same paper, I’m not tacking the second part of my criminal assessment (which is written) until the weekend because it’s shorter and it’s not due until next Friday. It wouldn’t make sense to put extra pressure on myself when I can plan so I’m getting the most time-pressured things out of the way first. How do you plan for your assessments? Let me know! 📥 #llb #law #lawstudent #criminallaw #lawoforganisations #businesslaw1 #2ndyear #ulaw #liveprospectus #level5 #exam #planning #examtimetable #examstress #stopfordianlaw #oralassessment #coursework

stopfordianlaw (@stopfordianlaw) posted on Instagram