0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by shylawgirl Published Feb. 9 2021 09:33 AM Tying to get a routine through all the madness🙌🏻 ♡ Now I’ve hit the first week of large groups and workshops, trying to get a study routine back into place is important🌟 ♡ Whilst trying to get a routine, give yourself extra time to complete the work and make sure you have free time too😊 • • #Law #Criminology #LawStudent #Student #Ulaw #TheUniversityOfLaw #Study #Studygram #Studying #SecondYear #2ndYear #SecondYearStudent #UKStudent #UK #UKLawStudent #Leeds #LeedsStudent • #Routine #LockdownRoutine #MentalHealth #FreeTime #FamilyLaw #LargeGroups #Workshops shylawgirl (@shylawgirl) posted on Instagram February 08, 2021 17:52