0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by shylawgirl Published Aug. 13 2021 09:50 AM Start of the new term🙌🏻 ♡ After Christmas, exam season and during another lockdown: a new term has started with new subjects - excitedly starting the criminology element of my degree😄 ♡ How are all you UK students finding studying during another lockdown? Stay Safe💜 • • #Law #Criminology #LawStudent #Student #Ulaw #TheUniversityOfLaw #Study #Studygram #Studying #SecondYear #2ndYear #SecondYearStudent #UKStudent #UK #UKLawStudent #Leeds #LeedsStudent • #FamilyLaw #Lockdown #StudentLockdown #Studying #FirstDayBack #StudyinginLockdown shylawgirl (@shylawgirl) posted on Instagram February 01, 2021 15:54