0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by legally_han Published Oct. 11 2023 03:40 PM It's a working in the car kinda morning!! . . Trying to fit this LPC MSc in around three children and a job has been extremely difficult! I'm exhausted and struggling to keep up. I've take the decision to drop a day at work and go down to 4 days and also grabbing every second I can to squeeze in extra study, hence working in the car while Francesca is a ballet!! . . I knew the LPC would be difficult but I don't think I quite prepared myself for the amount of hours that would need to go into this!! . . BUT, I will do it!! Hard work and determination always pays off in the end 💪 . . #uni #University #universityoflaw #ulaw #lpc #msc #lpcmsc #masters #legalpracticecourse #legalstudies #law #business #management #organisation #working #mum #student #studentmum #studentmumlife legally_han (@legally_han) posted on Instagram October 07, 2023 08:15