0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legally_brunette91 Published June 24 2020 12:09 PM Hey guys! Hope everyone is well! I have teamed up with thestudentlawyeruk YouTube team whereby I will be sharing with you regular videos all LPC and law related. In this video I am providing an overview of the LPC and the Masters of law. So if you’re going to start the course in September 2020 (or anytime in the future) then this video is for you. _ #law-student #lawstudent #lpcstruggles #u_law #ulaw #lpcllm #lifeofalawstudent #lifeofalawstudent📚 #lawyertobe #lawgraduate #studyinghard #studytips #lawstudy #lawstudytips #realestate #futurelawyer #futuresolicitor #lawsociety #traineesolicitor #lpc #llm #ulaw #aspiringsolicitor #aspirinlawyer #lawgirl #interviewtips #trainingcontractapplications #trainingcontract #trainingcontractadvice legally_brunette91 (@legally_brunette91) posted on Instagram June 24, 2020 11:09