0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by lawstudentinleeds Published Dec. 3 2020 08:46 AM ✨ MAKING TO MOST OUT OF YOUR STUDIES ✨ As important as it is to study hard and work for those grades, it’s equally as important to utilise the full university experience!🙌🏼 A few things you can do whilst you’re at university to make the most of it include: ▪️SOCIETIES - This doesn’t mean join the society and never interact... Attend events, be involved and make the most of it! ▫️STUDENT EVENTS - Yes, it is still important to have a social life at university (controversial from someone doing a law degree?...), so be sure to have fun, go out with your friends and flat mates and let off some steam! ▪️HOBBIES - Having a hobby that you enjoy is the perfect thing to delve into whilst you are not studying! There’s a wide variety of things you can do from cocktail making to fencing, find something you love and keep at it! Of course I could go on and on about making the most out of university and your studying, but here are just some examples of things you can do to be as involved with the whole experience as you can!🙋🏻 ♂️🍾 🌟 Is there anything you wish you did/want to do during university or college but haven’t tried yet? 🌟 #studygram #lawdegree #lawstudy #lawblog #lawblogger #llb #revision #lawstudent #lawstudies #futurelawyer #lawschool #studylaw #llblaw #studymotivation #studytips #studyspo #studystudy #studyblog #studyinspo #studygramcommunity #studyaccount #studyblr #studynotes #studywithme #studying #ulaw #studyblogger #studygrammer #studylife #studyinspiration lawstudentinleeds (@lawstudentinleeds) posted on Instagram November 25, 2020 15:00