0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by lawstudentinleeds Published Apr. 9 2021 10:23 AM ✨ THE IMPORTANCE OF TRIAL & ERROR IN YOUR STUDIES ✨ 9 times out of 10, you’re probably not going to grasp something the first time you study it, or you may not be able to decide in the right study method for you... This is all a part of the process when it comes to tackling your studying! Trial and error is absolutely normal for all students and it’s likely you have faced it too! Here are a few tips to help you when it comes to trial & error in relation to your studies: ▪️ Be open to new ideas - whether that is study methods, note taking methods or how you approach your learning, be open to trying new things until you figure out what works well for you! ▫️Give yourself plenty of breaks between study sessions! I like to use the pomodoro technique which allows me to do 25 minutes studying and a 5 minute break after, then go back and repeat the process so my brain has time to process the information I’m learning! ▪️ DONT FIX SOMETHING IF ITS NOT BROKEN - if you know you have a good study routine that works for you, you do not need to change it up because you’ve seen someone do something else! Stick to what works for you not to what works for others. ▫️ Try to relate what you’re doing back to real life scenarios - for example, when I am studying employment law I put myself in the shoes of someone who might need to bring a claim for unfair dismissal, so if possible, try and relate your studies back to real life scenarios or personal scenarios to you. ⭐️ How do you deal with trial and error when approaching your studies? ⭐️ #studygram #lawdegree #lawstudy #lawblog #lawblogger #llb #revision #lawstudent #lawstudies #futurelawyer #lawschool #studylaw #llblaw #studymotivation #studytips #studyspo #studystudy #studyblog #studyinspo #studygramcommunity #studyaccount #studyblr #studynotes #studywithme #studying #ulaw #studyblogger #studygrammer #studylife #studyinspiration lawstudentinleeds (@lawstudentinleeds) posted on Instagram March 10, 2021 11:51