0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by lawstudentinleeds Published Dec. 11 2020 04:55 PM ✨ HOW I MANAGE MY TIME STUDYING AND WORKING FULL TIME ✨ It’s a struggle finding the time to fit everything in whilst studying a full time law degree, but it’s even more of a struggle if you work full time alongside that😅. That being said, I’ve developed a routine that works well for me (and ultimately got me a first in my first year🙌🏼), here is how I do it: ▪️ Be prepared to drastically cut down on your social life! ▫️ Utilise calendars to take note of what is due and when, as well as when you plan on doing the work for certain modules so you know what you need to study. ▪️ Track your time. I use the forest_app to help track how long I am studying each module for (plus it helps with the pomodoro technique!)⏱ ▫️ Plan your tasks the day before! I write a to-do list every evening so I know what I will be studying the next day, plus it helps with procrastination. ▪️ Track what you need to work on! I have an overview sheet in my notes to show what I understand thoroughly, what I kind of understand and what I need to work on the most so when it comes to revision I know where my weaknesses and strengths lie. 🌟 How do you manage your time whilst studying? 🌟 #studygram #lawdegree #lawstudy #lawblog #lawblogger #llb #revision #lawstudent #lawstudies #futurelawyer #lawschool #studylaw #llblaw #studymotivation #studytips #studyspo #studystudy #studyblog #studyinspo #studygramcommunity #studyaccount #studyblr #studynotes #studywithme #studying #ulaw #studyblogger #studygrammer #studylife #studyinspiration lawstudentinleeds (@lawstudentinleeds) posted on Instagram December 11, 2020 12:15