0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by heyistudylaw Published Apr. 28 2020 05:37 PM Police Powers and Human Rights: Coursework is released Friday! Good luck to everyone starting exams ✨ I'm preparing by: - creating summaries of each lecture/workshop - compiling all cases, authorities, relevant statutes etc. - writing down notes to ask my teachers! We aren't allowed to ask any questions relating to coursework once it has been released, so now is the only time to get help - familiarising myself with all of this semester's lectures/workshops by creating mind maps, flashcards, practicing vocal active recall, and group learning sessions! . . . #studygram #study #studymotivation #uni #studywithme #notes #studynotes #ulaw #liveprospectus #workfromhome #law #lawnotes #lawstudent heyistudylaw (@heyistudylaw) posted on Instagram April 28, 2020 16:37