0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by easypeasylaw Published Sept. 10 2021 10:01 AM After a glorious 3 months since exams have ended I have had a little time off and completed my first 5 weeks of my training contract in a firm I love. Today I have received the second year of my LPC books (11kg worth!) And my timetable. Until next July I will be balancing the remainder of my exams alongside full time employment. I have chosen to complete the LPC LLM meaning that I have a total of 9 exams left to complete in the next few months. The exams I'll be taking include: Core Modules: - Property Law and Practice - Civil Litigation - Criminal Litigation - Accounts for Solicitors - Advocacy -Professional Conduct (I think it's a separate exam) Electives: - Advanced Real Estate - Commercial Dispute Resolution -LLM research project -LLM presentation on my research project #trainee #legalblog #dyslexicsinlaw #law #paralegal #trainee #girlsinlaw #familylaw #accounts #realestate #commercial #commerciallaw #litigation #lpc #llm #secondmastersinlaw #ulaw #lawschool #london easypeasylaw (@easypeasylaw) posted on Instagram September 06, 2021 18:12