0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by easypeasylaw Published Sept. 8 2020 11:08 AM Received my lovely joiners pack from u_law today. Now that my LPC core text books have been ordered, I have handed in my notice to move to a Law firm as a paralegal, in a sector I wish to specialise. Hopefully this will turn into a TC! As this is my first permenant position at a Law firm (rather than in-house) I am not too sure what to expect so any tips would be great! Only 99 weeks of hard graft left before the LPC LLM is over! Good luck to all of you who are starting in the next couple of weeks. 🤓⚖️ #legalnerd #legalmasters #Mastersno2 #Masteroflaw #lpc #llm #ulaw #legalblog #law #propertylaw #paralegal #london #commercial #countdiwn easypeasylaw (@easypeasylaw) posted on Instagram September 08, 2020 10:08