0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by caffeinated_law_student Published Jan. 4 2021 03:41 PM 🌱 WILLS AND ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES 🌱 Just before Christmas I had one of my first exams, Wills and Administration of Estates, which is covered in Introduction to Professional Practice. The content focuses on who is entitled to an estate after death, how the estate is administered, who is able to take a grant of administration or probate, and inheritance tax. On exam day there were quite a few technical issues which meant lots of people couldn’t start their exam on time. The Uni managed to sort the issues very quickly, and kept everyone updated throughout. Because of this, we were able to access our results early, just for peace of mind! I’m super pleased with my results and the hard work on IHT and CGT calculations definitely paid off! . . . #legalpracticecourse #lpc #ulaw #universityoflaw #law #lawstudent #legal #lawstudygram #studygram #studyspo #studying #studyblr #studymotivation #studynotes #studyinspiration #student #lawstudent #aspiringsolicitor caffeinated_law_student (@caffeinated_law_student) posted on Instagram December 28, 2020 10:51