0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by caffeinated_law_student Published Nov. 5 2020 09:16 AM 🌱 Interviewing Practice 🌱 I have my interviewing practice assessment today! I’ve got my desk all set up and ready. We are allowed a few things to take in with us, like the instructions, assessment criteria, and two pages of notes! For my notes I have one page of script-style hints in case I get stuck, and another page of law that might be relevant. I’ve pinned them just above my camera so I’m not looking down at my desk through the whole interview 😂 . . . #university #universityoflaw #ulaw #law #lawschool #lawyer #lawstudent #lpc #legalpracticecourse #aspiringsolicitor #solicitor #interviewing #skills #study #studying #studygram #studynotes #studyblr #studymotivation caffeinated_law_student (@caffeinated_law_student) posted on Instagram November 04, 2020 11:09