0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by caffeinated_law_student Published Jan. 4 2021 03:43 PM 🌱Solicitors’ Accounts Prep🌱 Let’s talk Solicitors’ Accounts… It’s the infamous topic I had heard LPC students talk about more than any other, it’s maths based, and our first proctored CPA exam. It’s a lot to stress about. I thought I would share some of the prep I have been doing for next week! I’ve put together a folder of essentials, things that I hope will be useful! I started by re-reading the textbook and making notes of everything that was linked to a workshop outcome, or seemed important! I condensed these notes into a manageable and easy to navigate booklet (Picture 2). These will be my first port of call for the written questions and the MCQs. Also for the MCQs I have collected every single MCQ question we have been given (from the workshops, test and feedback exercises and specimen exams) and put them into one document (picture 3). I’ve highlighted the right answer for each one and written a short explanation about how you figure it out! Hopefully if any similar MCQs come up, this should be really helpful. For the Client Ledgers I have broken down an exemplar for each type we might come across (pictures 4 and 5). Probate, Property, Business and Litigation. I’ve made them all colourful and added notes to help for each entry, in case I get stuck!. I’ve also put some financial statement exemplars in, just to help me visualise what they look like with the numbers in! For everyone who is stressing about this exam like me, ollyrogerslegal has posted some great tips and thelegalstage is doing daily MCQ practice on their story! Good luck everyone, we got this! . . . #legalpracticecourse #solicitorsaccounts #lpc #law #lawstudent #lawstudygram #studygram #study #studying #studyspo #studymotivation #studynotes #revision #revise #exams #exam #accounts #aspiringsolicitor #ulaw #univeristyoflaw caffeinated_law_student (@caffeinated_law_student) posted on Instagram December 31, 2020 11:35