0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by zaiblogs_ Published Feb. 24 2020 11:07 AM 🗂 TABBING 🗂 It's so important to organise your folders when revising and especially for an #openbook #exam which I know is used on the #LPC. • Here is an example of my Real Estate (1 of 2) ring binder! Contents page, specimen and any important docs at the front. I created checklists to be used for exam questions which I placed at the front...then some more checklists!! 📙📕 There are 15 workshops in total so more than fifteen checklists - these are usually based on the workshop outcomes and tasks. • Following that, all my workshop guides, numbered 1-15 📘 and any important documents flagged yellow 🏷 So when you open your folder in your exam, you should know exactly where everything is placed, where your checklists are (tried to do this based on workshop weeks) and if you need to refer to a workshop, quickly flick to the number and find the task. The easier you make it for yourself, the better you'll feel 😁 #lpc #lpcexams #ulaw #openexam #law #legal #aspiringsolicitor #lawstudent zaiblogs_ (@zaiblogs_) posted on Instagram February 22, 2020 21:21