0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by womens.networkk Published Aug. 6 2021 09:32 AM Welcome to the Women’s Network! As Women’s Officer for the Students’ Association, I founded the Women’s Network to bring together female students from u_law to share experiences, offer support and to empower each other on our respective journeys. With platforms for discussion, regular check-ins, information and updates, as well as female focussed career and wellbeing events, I hope to create a shared space where women feel represented and respected. #female #empowerment #law #ulaw #women #network #womensnetwork #feminism #womensupportingwomen #students #study #power #womenempowerment #wellbeing #eventing #campaign #activism #representation womens.networkk (@womens.networkk) posted on Instagram February 08, 2021 13:00