0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by u_law Published Apr. 16 2021 10:26 AM #Repost • @busylawbee 💡//Good morning bees! So today is back at it with the LPC, it’s been a really really nice break! This morning I’ve got Employment law where it’s all about wrongful dismissal. I really enjoyed learning about this at LLB level, same with unfair dismissal. I’m looking forward to putting it into practice. This afternoon I’ve got my second workshop for Private client being about inheritance tax (Oh how I’ve not missed you!) and lasting powers of attorney (or was once known as enduring powers of attorney (EPAs and LPAs)). This mornings workshop guide is quite thin, whereas later on in private client, it’s quite big... It’s mad to think in nearly two months time, I’ll be doing the exams for these and then it’s first year done of the LPC and I’m a little step closer to qualifying. At some point I need to finish off training contracts with other law firms. I did really want to do one for 2022, but think the break from university will do goodness, so hoping I can get a TC for 2023! All in good time! Have a good day everyone! Hope you all enjoy your workshops today❤️ #law #lawstudent #ulaw #desk #studyspace #study #studyblog #lawblog #lawyer #trainingcontract #exams #employmentlaw #lawtextbook #universityoflaw #workshop #notebook #stationery #bee #busylawbee #laptop #work #studyblr #studygram #lawstudygram #welcomeback The University of Law (@u_law) posted on Instagram April 15, 2021 10:49