0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by u_law Published Apr. 9 2021 09:53 AM #Repost • @lawyersstudygram Referencing - I know a lot of January starters are researching and writing their ethics essay’s at the moment and I am starting my Research Project so thought it would be useful to share the @u_law referencing guide I used when writing my ethics essay which has become my holy grail! I have given a step-by-step of where to find it on ELITE. I know there is software you can use to track and create your references but I prefer to follow the guide because then I know it is done exactly as it should be and I don’t have to worry about losing any marks. #studygram #law #lawstudent #lawstudentsofinstagram #thelawyersstudygram #reflection #referencing #essay #howto #OSCALA #guides #study #studymotivation #gdl #ulaw #research The University of Law (@u_law) posted on Instagram March 23, 2021 11:40