0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by thelegalnortherner Published Jan. 9 2023 10:09 AM So how is the LPC *really* going… I think I was quite naive starting the LPC thinking it would be a breeze🥲 Nope. I was wrong. The LPC might just be the most intense part of my education journey I’ve ever faced (but I suppose if it was easy, everyone would be doing it). I think the content itself is fine, it’s the READING and the TASKS and the ALL ROUND WORKLOAD that is hard to juggle! I would class myself as a pretty organised person, so I like to try and get a week ahead for upcoming workshops But, some weeks it’s physically impossible when they’re asking for 2467 pages of reading and 36 tasks by Monday 🥹. That being said, I’m very thankful that it’s just a 9 month course because if the degree was like this I dunno how long I would have lasted😂… Anyway, this Saturday morning we’re onto business law prep for Monday (first official day back at uni)! #lawstudent #lawdegree #lawschool #lawblog #lpc #legal #legalpracticecourse #law #student #degree #school #masters #college #studying #studylaw #lawstudy #study #lawyerlife #lawyer #lawyertobe #lawstudents #lawlife #ulaw #university #college #uni thelegalnortherner (@thelegalnortherner) posted on Instagram January 07, 2023 11:48