0 Likes Like This 2 Like Work Instagram shot by thathijabilawyer Published Feb. 1 2022 01:55 PM Hello everyone, it’s been a while! At the beginning of January I started my LPC/LLM! Exciting but also very stressful 😂 Everyone had told me that the LPC was very demanding but I thought that was just an exaggeration (it’s not 🥲). I have started my core modules: IPP, BLP, Dispute Resolution and Real Estate - really enjoying Dispute Resolution but BLP? Can someone pass me some painkillers 🤣 it also does feel like that time is going by really quickly too, definitely have to keep a schedule to keep up! In all honesty however, I am really enjoying all i have learned so far even though it sometimes requires staying up till 4am to get through it all 😅 ULaw have made the introduction to the LPC very easy and although I’m still getting used the style of teaching, the tutors really do help you with getting to grips with the content and any other queries. Can’t wait to see how the term progresses! #law #lawstudent #lpc #llm #llb #lawyer #ulaw #student #lawgram #studygram thathijabilawyer (@thathijabilawyer) posted on Instagram January 29, 2022 16:25