0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by tashaslegalcareer Published Jan. 4 2021 03:45 PM WILLS & ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES EXAM... I actually enjoy the content of wills but a purely MCQ paper is not my first choice 😂 it’s open book which means exam notes are KEY. I found it most useful having structures for how to calculate the different types of tax! Although it was a royal mess up on the day as the whole of elite crashed for over 30 minutes, it was a success in the end! Due to the technical difficulties, u_law actually released our results a couple days later instead of in March which was amazing! I passed with a distinction grade (although it’s assessed as competent or not yet competent) and I am so glad it’s out of the way💆🏻 ♀️ Swipe to see how I prepared➡️ KEY TIP: practice MCQ style questions lots, also practice questions where you work through tax calculations (contained in prep tasks, workshop tasks, consolidation tasks and the MCQ’s!) #wills #tax #iht #cgt #lpc #lpcexams #law #lawstudent #lawuk #ulaw #lpcllm #examprep #exampreparation #mcq #multiplechoice tashaslegalcareer (@tashaslegalcareer) posted on Instagram December 31, 2020 15:48