0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by tashaslegalcareer Published Feb. 26 2021 02:15 PM ADVOCACY MOCK I graded competent woo!🥳 Swipe to see how I prepared➡️ My feedback: ✨My submissions were strong and structured well. I was very clear and logical, and I answered the surprise question very well. ✨My downfall was relying on my notes too much, so I’ll make sure to work on this for my real exam! I also had HORRIFIC WiFi... neither the Respondent nor Tutor could hear me properly during my intro and first submission. I spent 15 minutes trying to sort it out before having to start again, with delays still occurring. I’m very grateful for how patient and understanding they both were. Wifi really is the biggest downside to online studying for me and it’s frustrating because it is out of my control. However, I will find a way to MAKE it in my control in time for the real exam😂 #advocacy #advocacyexam #ulaw #lpc #lpcexam #mockexam #futuresolicitor #breachofcontract u_law #ulawlife #ulawlpc tashaslegalcareer (@tashaslegalcareer) posted on Instagram February 12, 2021 19:01