Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

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📚 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS 📚 This semester is the first time we get to choose what we study and I’m looking forward to it! For my electives, I chose Family Law, Human Rights and Access to Justice and Legal Services (a new module). My tips below sort of outline for choosing these subjects. When choosing electives for the LLB, consider the following: 1️⃣ Enjoyment - employers won’t look at your LLB electives when you’re applying for training contracts or a job. So you have a lot of freedom of choice. Use this to your advantage - choose subjects you have an interest in and want to learn more about. Descriptions of the modules that your University provides you with should give a good indication of whether or not you’ll enjoy it 2️⃣ Exam format - Although this shouldn’t be the main factor in your decision, ultimately you’re not going to do well in a format you find difficult. The module description will usually include the method of examination, so consider your options. This factor best applies when you’re torn between two subjects (you can only choose 3 out of an option of 7/8) and don’t know which one to go for as you are interested in both. If one has an exam format you don’t like, go for the other. However as I mentioned just earlier, it shouldn’t be the main reason for your decision. 3️⃣ Tailored modules - Some modules are aimed at specific careers. For example, one of my modules, Access to Justice and Legal Services, is aimed more at people who wish to become a solicitor. Similarly, the extended essay is aimed at those who don’t mind not having a structured course layout. And something you should absolutely never do: DON’T 👏 CHOOSE 👏 AN 👏 ELECTIVE 👏 JUST 👏BECAUSE 👏 A 👏 FRIEND 👏DID Although you may be good friends with someone, you might not have the same interests and won’t do as well. Also, there’s no guarantee you’ll be in the same class in popular modules. What did you choose for your electives? #llb #law #ulaw #liveprospectus #stopfordianlaw #electives #2ndyear #lawstudent #choices #familylaw #humanrights

stopfordianlaw (@stopfordianlaw) posted on Instagram