0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by stopfordianlaw Published July 19 2021 04:58 PM 💻 WORKSHOPS 💻 Firstly, MORE apologies for lack of content. I promise I genuinely haven’t had the time this week (and was v stressed on one day). Anyway, quick description of workshops: these are our small group sessions (I believe some unis call them seminars) and are where we apply what we learnt in the corresponding lecture. This may be more u_law orientated but hopefully you can apply them to your own studies. Here’s how to smash them: 🔲 PREPARE - again, preparation is key. You’ll be set prep reading (which we access online) and preparatory tasks. It is so much easier if you do them! For one of my workshops I didn’t do all the prep reading for, I felt a bit lost as cases and Statute references were being mentioned and I didn’t know what was being talked about! 🔲 CONSOLIDATE - make sure you consolidate your lecture notes so you have clear understandable notes for the workshop tasks. Remember to consolidate afterwards as well, so you have a template from your tasks to apply to practice questions. 🔲 INTERACT!! I feel this is the most important one. I get Covid makes it more difficult as things are online, but that’s even more reason to take part. Make sure you contribute to the group tasks, and speak with your tutor. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, an opportunity you don’t have with a pre-recorded session. I’ll be back with another post soon. Hope you all have a good evening! ✨ #llb #law #ulaw #liveprospectus #stopfordianlaw #2ndyear #lawstudent #workshops #seminars #familylaw #universitylife #consolidate stopfordianlaw (@stopfordianlaw) posted on Instagram February 26, 2021 16:22