Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by stopfordianlaw

šŸ˜¬ EXAMS šŸ˜¬ So, welcome back after, how many weeks!? I really havenā€™t kept on the hall with this have I? I canā€™t exactly say I have the fully prepped notes and sheets to make up for it either! Since being away, Iā€™ve turned 20 (and now feel old), sat outside a pub in the cold, had loads of uni tech issues and drank copious amounts of wine. But how are you? Coming back because my first exam of the semester is tomorrow and itā€™s my Family exam. Lockdown and online lessons donā€™t have me feeling that confident, but theyā€™re non-proctored again so I can have my notes to look at! I also canā€™t believe Year 2 will be done on Friday! As Iā€™ve said before, Iā€™m an overworrier and I hope thatā€™s the case this time as well. The best way to approach exams (apart from revision and being preared) is to not overdo it. If you feel stressed, take a break and donā€™t try and cram everything in. Also get an early night and wake up early to be ready for the exam! Iā€™m setting an alarm for 8 so Iā€™m up 2 hours before the exam, enough time to shower, eat and settle in until 1.15 (we do have a break between the MCQ and written part). Good luck to all of you with exams this week! ā¤ļø #llb #law #lawstudent #ulaw #liveprospectus #stopfordianlaw #exams #endofyear2 #familylaw #examstress #level5 (Please appreciate photo was difficult to take because of sunshine. But not complaining!) ā˜€ļø

stopfordianlaw (@stopfordianlaw) posted on Instagram