Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by stopfordianlaw

✨Positivitea ✨ Can’t remember if this mug has featured before, but I love it and it puts me in a good mood. Monday can be a bit of a bore with my 2 most demanding electives, so trying to stay positive is essential! We should always look on the bright side. There were lots of reasons to be positive today! Not least because the sun was shining and the temperature reached double figures! Here’s how you can make studying and learning feel good: 1️⃣ Manifestation - little things that remind you to think on the bright side are important! Whether it’s a mug like mine, or a screen saver manifesting your future goal, the small things can make the biggest difference. 2️⃣ Preparation - being on time to lectures, with your notes ready and everything you need with you will mean you’ll start your study session with a calm, focused mind. 3️⃣ Go easy on yourself - have things that make your life easier. The pen in the picture is the penteluk Energel: it makes my life so much easier as it flows so smoothly - perfect for very detailed lectures. Also to link to point one - I love the design 4️⃣ BREAKS - taking regular breaks is so important for focus. If you’re given one use it to stretch your legs and grab a brew. Hope you had a good weekend! Please tell me if I’m waffling rubbish 😅🤣 #law #llb #ulaw #liveprospectus #stopfordianlaw #positivitea #familylaw #lectures #2ndyear #electives #studygram #stationeryaddict

stopfordianlaw (@stopfordianlaw) posted on Instagram