0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by spillingtheteaonthelpc Published Sept. 18 2020 04:30 PM 🌟 Week One 🌟 My first week u_law is over. My first bulk of preparation is complete, and my first workshops are done. This week has been a very emotional week. From the worrying and anticipation of starting the LPC LLM, to throwing myself into the prep and workshops whilst enjoying every moment of it. _ This course for many people is a huge investment, not only from a monetary perspective but also a personal one. The LPC is expensive, and requires constant hard work but I can honestly say from my first week, it already feels as though it's worth the time, effort and money. I have had a fab week and thankyou to each and every person that has wished me good luck and offered their support. It's greatly appreciated 💕 #law #student #lawstudent #ulaw #universityoflaw #study #studygram #studentsofinstagram #firstweek #blogger #blog spillingtheteaonthelpc (@spillingtheteaonthelpc) posted on Instagram September 18, 2020 15:30