0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by shylawgirl Published July 6 2020 04:55 PM Typing up notes✨ ♡ Now I have received results from 1st year which I’m so proud of, I’ve now decided it is the time to organise my notes and get them typed up. I never wanna throw them away as you don’t know when you will need them💜 ♡ Do you keep notes or throw them away after exams/results? . . #Law #Criminology #LawandCriminology #LLB #LawGirl #LawStudent #LawNotes #LawStudentLife #Student #Studygram #Study #ULaw #UniversiryOfLaw #UniversityOfLawLeeds #University #Undergraduate #FirstYear #FirstYearStudent #FirstYearStudentLaw . #Notes #WrittenNotes #TypedNotes #Content #LawTopic #AcademicSkills #ProfessionalSkills #Skills #StudyNotes shylawgirl (@shylawgirl) posted on Instagram July 06, 2020 15:55