0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by shylawgirl Published June 23 2020 01:00 PM Prepping for 2nd year🙌🏻 ♡ Since the criminology element of my degree does not start till September I dedicated this morning to write notes and complete the course ’Introduction of Criminology and Crime’ which has provided me with some background knowledge for when I begin to study this course💜 . . #Law #Criminology #LawandCriminology #LLB #LawGirl #LawStudent #LawNotes #LawStudentLife #Student #Studygram #Study #ULaw #UniversiryOfLaw #UniversityOfLawLeeds #University #Undergraduate #FirstYear #FirstYearStudent #FirstYearStudentLaw . #Introduction #Crime #SocialScience #Sociology #Criminologist #Sociologist #OpenLearn #Course #OnlineCourse shylawgirl (@shylawgirl) posted on Instagram June 23, 2020 12:00