0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by shylawgirl Published June 22 2020 07:26 PM ’Do prisons work?’🤔 ♡ As I had a pretty unproductive day, I spent some time tonight listening to this course via openlearn. It was so interesting listening to all the different opinions and views on the prison system and whether it works or not✌️🏻💜 . . #Law #Criminology #LawandCriminology #LLB #LawGirl #LawStudent #LawNotes #LawStudentLife #Student #Studygram #Study #ULaw #UniversiryOfLaw #UniversityOfLawLeeds #University #Undergraduate #FirstYear #FirstYearStudent #FirstYearStudentLaw . #Online #Course #OnlineCourse #OpenLearn #Prison #PrisonSystem #Views #Opinions #Sociology #Crime shylawgirl (@shylawgirl) posted on Instagram June 22, 2020 18:26