0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by shylawgirl Published July 29 2020 03:23 PM Messy work set up🤯 ♡ This isn’t a perfect photo of a study set up by any means, but this reality, slumped on the sofa with notes all over😚 ♡ Typing up notes and small things today whilst doing a bit of baking in between, feeling a lot more productive today💜 . . #Law #Criminology #LawandCriminology #LLB #LawGirl #LawStudent #LawNotes #LawStudentLife #Student #Studygram #Study #ULaw #UniversiryOfLaw #UniversityOfLawLeeds #University #Undergraduate #FirstYear #FirstYearStudent #FirstYearStudentLaw . #Messy #Notes #MessySetup #Reality #Productivity shylawgirl (@shylawgirl) posted on Instagram July 29, 2020 14:23