Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by saraslegaljourney

legalcheek started off with a spot of Yoga this morning during our wellness breakfast! It was amazing to see what a difference some mindful exercises can do to your thought process and energy levels! At the end of this session, we were then given some tips on how to achieve that dream TC! The main thing I have learnt from this mornings session was, that being declined a TC is not the end.... its the beginning, and will guide you to success if you try and learn from your mistakes! Training Contracts are very competitive.... with 1000s applying at a time, you can't always succeed at the first try! So move on and improve 🙌 Don't give up!! Keep on going!! #virtuallegalcheek #legalcheek #yoga #trainingcontract #TC #lawstudent #llbstudent #student #studygram #ulaw #theuniveristyoflaw

saraslegaljourney (@saraslegaljourney) posted on Instagram