0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by mylegal.chronicles Published Apr. 12 2023 11:25 AM What gave me confidence for the BLP exam: 💪🏼 🌷knowledge & understanding the content. Make sure you understand WHY you need to take certain steps and what the consequences of them are - for example if there are any s177 declarations that need to be made at a board meeting. If so, consequence is if they can count aa part of the quorum & vote - check any amended MAs 🌷 having detailed dummied down templates. Who knows how you’re going to react in an exam and sometimes the most basic step or information gets lost in our mind, so I made sure I had details templates for all tax calculations & company procedure planning answers 🌷 practice papers; although we’re only given 1 specimen & mock I would leave the specimen until the week for the exam as it provided you with a realistic attempt/mark you will get. It also shows the way topics are examined & being familiar with the wording of questions will save time in the exam! 🌷 my tabbing system. It worked WONDERS for me. Everyone has different methods but I like to use 1 colour for every category. For example, I only used 3 colours to tab up my legislation book (see above pic). Pink = companies Act, Orange = Model Articles & yellow = partnerships. I used this method from the very start of my module so by the time my exam came, my brain had processed where I need to go for what #lpc #law #study #student #exam #university #lawyer #london #tips #ulaw mylegal.chronicles (@mylegal.chronicles) posted on Instagram April 08, 2023 09:00