0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by mkdoeslaw Published Sept. 14 2020 10:58 PM 👋🏾 Hey, so I officially began the LPC today. Wasn’t much... we are still in the introductory week. But what I can say is that I am grateful to have taken the time to read all of the course content available, handbook and all! I have developed a comfortable understanding of what to expect these coming months, for example, I have assessments... in a few weeks... huh? 🙂 But that’s alright. Because the level of commitment and organisation I’m about to apply will combat any residual anxieties I have. 🏡 For those who aren’t aware, I am a FT LPC-LLM student at u_law and have opted to study my first semester from home due to the continued COVID-19 situation. I did go back and forth about whether this was the best decision for me, but I am glad I landed on “YES”! One great thing I love about u_law is that it has successfully facilitated student learning on the LPC remotely for years, and so the quality of my education will not be compromised. 🤞🏾Wishing all of my peers who have also started/ soon starting the LPC the best of luck. 😅 LET’S DO THIS! #LPC #UniofLaw #LawStudent #LawyerLife #Solicitor #LLM #LawSchool mkdoeslaw (@mkdoeslaw) posted on Instagram September 14, 2020 21:58