Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by legalrower

Today I attended the northern law fair via hopin a virtual streaming platform. I interacted with a number of law firms all across North England and Wales. While speaking to them they said yes, academic grades are good, they are not the be all and end all. Firms are looking for something different and something you enjoy. My hobby is rowing and I love it I row 4 to 5 days a week plus cardio. I love being part of team and it's exercise so plus, plus. So it's helping me but it can also be used to stand out from the crowd as I am a team player and I have been on committee as social secretary and captain so I have great communication skills. So when you are applying for jobs and training contracts think about what makes you stand out. #studygram #LPC #ulaw #law #lawschool #futureellewoods

legalrower (@legalrower) posted on Instagram