0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legallypossible Published Apr. 9 2021 09:43 AM Downloadable checklists + templates for you 🖨🗒👇🏻 Over on my website I have added some DOWNLOADABLE templates and checklists to help you structure your own revision and workload. 👊🏻 The ones I’ve made are specific to the LPC but you can very easily adapt/change them to your own course (LLB/GDL/non-law degree) however you like to make it your own! The templates include: 🔸 Revision Timetable - with step by step instructions of how I made mine, colour-coded the modules, planned my revision, etc. 🔸 Learning Outcomes Template/Checklist - where I have provided a blank template for you to input the learning outcomes for each workshop so you’re aware of the areas you need to improve on. 🔸 Revision Materials Checklist - which provides you with a (very) colourful checklist to help you make sure you’ve produced revision materials for all the work you need to cover. One template has explanations as to how I input information on mine and the other is a blank copy you can download to use straight away. Make sure to check out my “Checklists” highlight on my Instagram page if you’d like to learn more about how I made them! If you’d like to download them, the link is in my bio or you can head over to my website! I really hope they can help with your own revision. ☺️🤟🏼🔮 • • • #legallypossible #anythingispossible #lawstudent #checklist #law #student #study #studygram #revision #revisiontimetable #timetable #template #futurelawyer #futuretraineesolicitor #lawdegree #postgrad #postgraduatedegree #legalpracticecourse #ulaw #universityoflaw legallypossible (@legallypossible) posted on Instagram April 08, 2021 13:05