0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legallynoted Published Mar. 9 2021 02:48 PM ELECTIVES ✨ As the CPA exams get closer so does starting my electives. As part of my LLM LPC I chose Law and Business, Employment, Advanced Real Estate and Commercial as my electives. I have been studying Law and Business alongside BLP for the last couple of terms (this is assessed by coursework which is released on the 15th March) which I have really enjoyed so far as it’s very different to anything I’ve previously studied and I am due to take employment law next term as my remaining elective of the year as a part time student. I am so excited to get started on this, especially as it’s such a hot topic right now, and can’t wait to get started on learning something new. Also a bonus that I have had my tutor previously and really like her teaching method. My course materials from u_law were delivered today and I have also tried to be organised and also already bought the LPC answered revision guide for employment as I have found the core one helpful in my BLP revision. Am I the only one excited to begin my electives (and the mountain of work that will no doubt come with it 😅) l?? What modules has everyone else got coming up? #lawstudent #student #postgraduate #ulaw #lawschool #juniorlawyer #aspiringsolicitor #lpc #lpcstudent #lawblog #lawblogger #law #elective #studygram legallynoted (@legallynoted) posted on Instagram March 03, 2021 17:28