0 Likes Like This 2 Like Work Instagram shot by legallylaurenx Published Apr. 19 2021 11:01 AM A little insight to legalcheek and u_law spring virtual vacation scheme❤️ Although we are only on the third day I have learnt so much already and I cannot wait for the next two days. This vacation scheme has really been the best experience for me as I have been able to gain contact with firms and also to have a face to face chat with a partner and an associate from my dream firm. #law #lawstudent #lawstudentlife📚 #studygram #student #study #studymotivation #dreamjob #universityoflaw #legalcheekvirtual #influencer #tiktok #lawyerstudent #lawevent #lawyer legallylaurenx (@legallylaurenx) posted on Instagram April 14, 2021 10:58