0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legallyhm Published Oct. 5 2020 11:24 AM My First Week as a Law Student 📚 Since my induction workshop last Tuesday, it has been a manic week of settling into my new routine. I knew the MA would require a lot of work and preparation but I don’t think you ever know these things until you actually start the course. I’ve always been an early riser so that’s not been an issue as I like to make the most of my day, but the days just seem to fly by when I’m working through this workshop prep! I found the Criminal prep really interesting so it was enjoyable to an extent. The same cannot be said for EU law 😴 there are just so many treaty articles! I felt a bit overwhelmed at the end of last week trying to balance working part-time alongside this, whilst having so many hospital appointments and tests at the moment. So I did the best thing and went for a couple of runs over the weekend and this morning to clear my head and press the reset button. I feel so much better now and ready to tackle the week 💪🏼 #lawstudent #lawschool #malaw #masters #postgrad #aspiringsolicitor #running #ulaw legallyhm (@legallyhm) posted on Instagram October 05, 2020 10:24