0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legallyblonde_21 Published Sept. 15 2020 04:09 PM Well the LPC books take up nearly all the space on my bed. So, it is safe to say there is LOADS to read🧐🤓. On another note, I had my first LPC induction lecture today with u_law which focused on the Careers department. It seems like there is a lot of support to aid you to gain a training contract, vacation scheme or employment. I also cannot wait to get involved with the Pro Bono side. #Probono #careersservice #careersdepartment #ulaw #unioflaw #lpc #lpcllm #aspiringsolicitors #studentlife #law #bookstagram #lawbooks #lpcbooks legallyblonde_21 (@legallyblonde_21) posted on Instagram September 15, 2020 15:09