0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legally.vibin Published Apr. 9 2021 03:51 PM HAPPY THURSDAY EVERYONE ✨ this week has flown by...which means we are creeping closer the Core Exams 💀 I thought I'd do a quick post sharing some last-minute revision tips. 🥰 The exams are OPEN BOOK, which means you should prepare yourself effectively! It's not a memory game. 🧠These are my go-to revision tips: ✨Spend time organising your files + textbooks (this will help when trying to navigate necessary info). ✨Don't overburden your notes with too many tabs. ✨Keep your tabs short, sweet + to the point. (Use keywords, e.g. CGT Calc). ✨Colour code tabs to associate with certain topics (e.g. company procedures purple, SH's and Directors). ✨Make sure your notes include WS/Prep Task Answers + MCQs. (The questions asked will resemble the work we have done in the WS). ✨Ensure the tabbing system you have in place for your notes corresponds with your textbook tabs (easier to cross-reference). ✨Make sure the writing on tabs doesn't smudge (super annoying). ✨Remove any unnecessary docs from your notes (e.g. prep task on HS2 🚄). ✨Do some practice papers to get used to Respondus + go through MCQs. ✨Time management is key 🔑 you don't want to spend the whole exam flicking through your notes...spend your time wisely. ✨Speak to your tutor if you have any concerns or questions on any topics. ✨BREATHE (I know it's a stressful time, but everything will be okay). If you have any exam worries etc., speak to your course mates, friends, and family. Sometimes, talking to someone in a similar position or getting an outsider opinion can really help. Or consider speaking to your tutor for any advice. Take some time out for yourself to chill out and relax. You will perform better if you rest and switch off for a bit...do not feel guilty about it. 🌸☺️ Don't compare yourself to what people on your course are doing; everyone has different revising methods - you are only competing against yourself. I hope this post helps a little 💖 Lots of Love x Ps. who knew that tabbing could be such a pain... it takes FOREVER! 😂 #LPC #law #studygram #lawstudent #exams #CPAmodules #ULaw #revision #legalpractice #aspiringsolicitor #examprep #selflove #motovation legally.vibin (@legally.vibin) posted on Instagram March 04, 2021 12:18