Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by legally_blonde2022

Hi guys! Welcome to my legal blog, it came to be spontaneously the other night and I felt the urge to create a page just for my legal journey and to speak to others who are in a similar position to me. So I hope this helps someone else out there who may be struggling with law right now, is stuck in a ‘writer’s block’ or is just interested in a career in law maybe! Some facts about me 🌟 ✨I completed my LLB Law degree and have obtained a First Class ✨I am now studying my LPC MSc in Law,Business and Management ✨I love participating in charity work and volunteering for my local community and I am passionate about tackling issues of diversity and discrimination that are prevalent ✨My favourite thing to do is .. drink coffees (typical lawyer) and LOTS of it ☕️ Drop a comment about what your fav thing to do is would love to make some virtual friends 🥰 #law #legal #lpc #ulaw #inspire #diversity #trainingcontract #paralegal

legally_blonde2022 (@legally_blonde2022) posted on Instagram