0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by lawtitude Published May 1 2020 09:13 AM Another day learning new interesting phrases. I will be soon divulging into research oriented aspects of my study and I can’t wait to share the overall outlook of my self isolation activities. Have a great day and aspire to inspire. . . . . . 🦋👩🏻 ⚖️ #lawstudentjournal #lawstudents #gratitude #studywithme #studyvlog #studygram #studymotivation #studyblr #studying #studymedicine #lawyer #lawofattraction #lawschool #studywithme #notes #studynotes #instastudy #finals #reading #university #universityoflaw #lawreadings #jurastudent #jura #jurastudium #jurastudentin #lawschool #studyabroad #motivation #productivityhabits #quarantinestudy lawtitude (@lawtitude) posted on Instagram April 27, 2020 10:27