Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by lawstudenttolawyer

This week I have been attending the Virtual Vacation Scheme provided by legalcheek in collaboration with u_law and it has been so insightful and engaging! πŸ™ŒπŸ» Here is an overview of what we have done so far: . πŸ”˜Day 1 The first presentation was very interesting as it compared the 2008 financial crisis with our current situation. This led us to the discussion of emerging growth and then to the case study which examined which businesses deserve to be rescued during the pandemic. In the afternoon, we explored the difference between in-house and private practice which gave a better understanding of their relationship. . πŸ”˜ Day 2 The day started with a great presentation on life as a debt financial lawyer, which gave a great overview of what to expect from this role and what challenges you may face. In the PM, we had the opportunity to meet legal technologists who gave thought provoking presentations on lawtech. . πŸ”˜ Day 3 The morning started with yoga and meditation provided by eloiseskinner. This was so relaxing and re-emphasised the importance of self-care and finding the right work-life balance. Following this, we heard from many lawyers of what it is really like to be either a solicitor or barrister. It was especially useful to hear about people’s journeys into law and what influenced them to enter the market they did. Everyone was so supportive and encouraging and the talk definitely re-affirmed my decision to be a solicitor. . There have also been endless opportunities to network using a one-to-one speed networking system where you can chat to other attendees for 3 minutes. I have met some great people and made so many connections. 😊 . Thank you so much legalcheek for this amazing opportunity! I am so grateful to have been offered a place and this vacation scheme is surpassing all of my expectations. βš–οΈπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’» . . . . . . . #lawstudent #lawschool #futurelawyer #lawyertobe #legal #law #studentlife #lawschoollife #studygram #lawaccount #lawyer #lawstudenttolawyer #lawstudentlife #studentlife #instalawyer #ellewoods #legallyblonde #quote #lawquote #vacationscheme #virtualvacationscheme #legalcheek #ulaw #universityoflaw #traineelawyer #futuresolicitor

lawstudenttolawyer (@lawstudenttolawyer) posted on Instagram